Current and Upcoming Books by Helen Hynson Vettori

The Black Swan Trilogy - A Thriller Novel Series by Helen Hynson Vettori is is comprised of three books with plots that take the readers to future major incidents or black swan events. A black swan is a catastrophic incident or event that no one could have foreseen or imagined because of its unprecedented impact. The heroes in each sci-fi dystopian story must struggle to overcome the harrowing challenges facing them as members of a society and as individuals. All three books will keep you turning the pages due to their thrilling, all too possible, and shocking storylines.
Black Swan Impact
Black Swan Impact is a sci-fi political thriller that takes place in 2113. Having recovered from the devastation of World War III and reaching new scientific advancements, people believe only prosperity lies ahead until an emerging deadly pandemic threatens all of humanity. Dr. Syia (sī-yuh) Case, National Institutes of Health Director of Epidemiology, is invited to advise US President Daniel Piper and the White House Crisis Action Team to try to mitigate the threat. Actions required to protect US citizens from the lethal virus become increasingly challenging. However, when Piper steers the country toward questionable courses, Dr. Case and the strident voices on the task force find there is more than a virulent virus to fight.
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Black Swan Shock
Currently in the editing phase, Black Swan Shock picks up where Black Swan Impact ends. You'll love to become reacquainted with characters who stood out in the first novel and will embrace some new ones. However, readers do not have to read Black Swan Impact before Black Swan Shock because each book can stand alone.
In The Early Stages
Black Swan Terror
Black Swan Terror will round out the trilogy of the black swan series. Like the two previous books, readers will find many familiar characters with some new ones and perhaps one returning beloved persona. Although it is only in the concept phase, the overarching theme of a catastrophic event will drive the plot. There is no date for it's release on the horizon as of now. However, keep checking this site for updates as they become available.

Vintage Books
Flowers To The Glory of God
This was Vettori's first entry into the book publishing world. Written by her mother, Sandra S. Hynson and the Washington National Cathedral Altar Guild, this handbook offers easy to follow step-by-step instructions on mechanics, conditioning, tips and hints and valuable information on flower arranging primarily in church or temple. Hynson asked Vettori to illustrate drawings and diagrams. You can see one of the plates below.

Recipes and Reminiscences from 25 Years on the Rubber Chicken Circuit
Vettori's mother wrote this third and final book after she retired. Once again she asked Vettori to collaborate by making the illustrations. Hynson's unusual cookbook, written as the Head Emerita of the Washington National Cathedral Altar Guild, contains many favorite recipes gathered from men and women all over the United States as a result of her lecture/demonstrations to 44 states and 2 foreign countries Her cookbook of 8 chapters is also full of amusing and poignant stores for the reader to laugh, ponder and enjoy.

Missions of Our Moment
Vettori's debut novel, Missions of Our Moment reflected the times. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, she felt compelled to write as a way to assuage her anxiety. A small publisher, Publish America based in Frederick, Maryland, published the thriller in 2003. Unfortunately, Publish America could not compete with other, larger companies and closed permanently. Missions of Our Moment can be found here or there although it is rare.